Best dog food + cheese treats brings hapiness!

Best dog food-for your dog? -Here is the surprise:

Latest researches show: cheese reduces tooth decay bacteria by 80%.

Therefore no plaque or tartar can be formed. Also the bad breath disappears immediately. The calcium of cheese is used for the remineralization of tooth enamel. So, the teeth are clean and smooth.

Fits the best dog food – the best treats: cheese bone as the most effective + dental care fairest kind. You can actually save not only time and money, you become the best friend of your dog, because you spare him the toothbrush.

What are the QCHEFS cheese bone?

The ingredients are: cottage cheese, buckwheat (no grain) or rice, canola oil, coconut oil, glycerin from coconut oil – the largest share is the first one mentioned like any list. But more importantly, are the things not included: no grain, sugar, lactose, gluten, additives.

This means – no rub, dyes, flavor enhancers or anything else.

Why are QCHEFS the best training treats?

Cheese contains the happiness hormone serotonin. So your dog feels comfortable and happy. He understands: QCHEFS treat is a reward and he has done particularly well. It is important that the QCHEFS have only 5 kcal / treat. So you do not have to pay attention to how many the dog gets.

If your dog is hypo-allergenic?

QCHEFS are suitable for dogs suffering from allergies. The milk protein is the highest quality single protein.

So far, still no allergies could be formed against it. Buckwheat is a superfood, very healthy and well tolerated. The rapeseed oil provides the essential unsaturated fatty acids.

Why don’t you need any supplements?

Everyone has the worry that something might be missing in the dog’s food. Research has found that a healthy dog is fed with high-quality dog food – and also with natural food – is well catered for. The increased need for a dog on zinc and calcium – especially in the growth phase – is covered by the high proportion of natural minerals of buckwheat and the calcium of the cheese. The rapeseed oil provides the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. Thus, the body gets everything it needs.


Hundefutter für nierenkranke Hunde
Hundefutter für nierenkranke Hunde