Dog Food: Snacks Are Allowed! Low In Calories + But Tired!

Is diet food on the agenda, because your dog is ill or must lose weight? And you cannot resist the sight of your dog? You do not need to. On the contrary-he has to have his treat, because it makes the dog full and happy. And then there should be 2 or 3, because 5 […]

Grain free dog food! This includes the proper dental care!

Why grain-free dog food? Dog food without corn can be processed better by dogs. They need only few Carbohydrates. However, plant-based components in the dog food are important. They provide vitamins, minerals or trace elements. The vegetable protein can be exploited very well by the dog. Therefore, a smaller proportion of plants is allowed. But […]

Milk tooth dog: playful -with cheese sticks!

The milk teeth of your dog needs to be well cared for, even if they will fall of soon. At this time your dog goes through the most important stage of development. He learns the rules of living together with his new „Family Pack“. Full of energy and action, he needs employment and training. And […]