Grain free dog food! This includes the proper dental care!

Why grain-free dog food?

Dog food without corn can be processed better by dogs. They need only few Carbohydrates. However, plant-based components in the dog food are important. They provide vitamins, minerals or trace elements. The vegetable protein can be exploited very well by the dog. Therefore, a smaller proportion of plants is allowed. But next to the selection and quality of the raw materials, the highest importance is the balance of the formulation and the variety. This is the diet as a whole.

What belongs in the Bowl?

1 Ingredients: Raw meat, fish, bones, vegetable, fruit, buckwheat (no grain) and little gluten-free cooked cereal such as rice, millet. It is important to have a little vegetable oil with a high content of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Include also fats and fibers as they are undigested fibers to stimulate the gastro-intestinal tract.

  1. High-quality protein: Animal and vegetable proteins are vital and are broken down into amino acids. Amino acids, which the body can not manufacture by itself, are particularly important. Therefore, the selection of food is crucial, so that indeed all necessary amino acids can be recycled. Scientific research has shown that one needs much miscellaneous like papaya, carrots, spinach, beef, nuts, etc. to include all essential amino acids. All are included in two super foods: cheese and buckwheat. These proteins have the highest concentration of essential amino acids and so the best biological value.


Which match the grain-free dog food treats?

The treats made of meat and the QCHEFS – cheese bones. QCHEFS cheese bone can be more!

Cheese neutralizes carriers of bacteria and protects teeth against plaque, tartar, and inflammation. QCHEFS cheese bone are proper and natural dental care.

Together cheese and buckwheat are processed together into QCHEFS cheese bone using gentle high-tech technology. Thus, the need for all essential amino acids, natural vitamins and minerals is covered.

They contain only cottage cheese, buckwheat or rice, canola oil, coconut oil, and a little vegetable Glycerin – free from wheat, gluten, sugar, lactose and additives.

Rigorous and consistencies-so everyone can choose different sizes and textures – to his favorite bone. Suitable for allergy sufferers and with only 5 kcal / snack QCHEFS are also a great reward for your dog, because cheese contains the lucky Messenger substance.

